It’s every golfer’s dream to make a hole-in-one, and for one Saskatoon golfer, that dream has come true. Except it’s not just one hole-in-one, he has made five of them, all on the same golf hole.
“I just get these random texts from people saying, ‘Dude you’re not going to believe this’ and they’re doing searching on Google and the internet and seeing what the odds are, and so my understanding is that not too many people have done it,” Vito Iula said.
His first hole-in-one dates back 11 years ago to April 2012, and then after a nine-year drought, Iula sank his second, starting a major hot streak.
“I’d say the last four in two years, it’s just crazy.”
The chance of a golfer making a hole-in-one is 12,500 to one, and making five on the same hole is even more rare. According to the National Hole-In-One Registry, only one other golfer in the world has accomplished this feat.
It’s a beautiful hole because you got a nice bunker in front of the green. It’s shaped beautifully, and I have to say, it’s my favourite hole on the course.