Terms of Use

Welcome to SportzBiz . By accessing and using SportzBiz, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use. Please review these terms carefully before using our website.

 Acceptance of Terms:

By accessing and using SportzBiz, you agree to these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and any other policies or guidelines posted on this website. If you do not agree to these terms, please refrain from using SportzBiz.

 Use of the Website:

  1. Content: The content provided on SportzBiz is for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information. Your use of any information on this website is at your own risk.
  1. User Conduct: You agree to use SportzBiz in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. You shall not engage in any conduct that may disrupt, damage, or interfere with the proper functioning of the website.
  1. Intellectual Property: All content, trademarks, logos, and intellectual property displayed on SportzBiz are the property of SportzBiz or their respective owners. You may not use, reproduce, or distribute any content from this website without explicit permission.

 Limitation of Liability:

SportzBiz, its affiliates, partners, employees, or contributors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from your use or inability to use the website, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, data, or goodwill.

 External Links:

SportzBiz may contain links to external websites for additional information or resources. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the content, practices, or policies of these third-party websites.

 Changes to Terms:

SportzBiz reserves the right to modify or replace these Terms of Use at any time. We will notify users of any changes by posting the updated terms on this page. Your continued use of SportzBiz after any changes indicate your acceptance of the revised terms.

 Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Use, please contact us at hello@sportzbiz.co.uk.

By using SportzBiz, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

Thank you for choosing SportzBiz. Enjoy your experience on our platform!

Remember, these terms can be customized based on the specific requirements and nature of your website. It’s always a good idea to consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.